Sarah Leather

The Simplified Messaging Method Masterclass (Instant Access)

The Simplified Messaging Method Masterclass-
Create effective messaging to attract 3 higher-paying clients in the next 30 days

There's one reason you are not signing all the dream clients you want.

💸 It's not the economy
💸 It's not the algorithm
💸 It's not your audience
💸 It's not your mindset
💸 It's not your lack of visibility

It's your messaging.

Change this one thing and watch everything change.

You're sharing too much in your messaging, either speaking to everyone or trying to solve too many problems.
This doesn't attract your dream higher-paying clients, it may even repel them.

This simplified messaging method cuts through the noise and makes it easier than ever to show up and share ONLY the things that will attract those dream clients.

Less is actually more when it comes to higher-paying clients. Complicated messaging repels them.

You will know how to only share the content that gets them wanting more. 

This simplified messaging method took me from 30K to 100K months.

It helps my clients sell out their 1:1 offers, group programs, and mastermind slots.

Here's what clients are saying about my simplified messaging work:
✨ "I love that I no longer speak to everyone and I'm signing up the BEST clients 🥳" J, UK
✨ "My messaging is on point and potent. I just got a client at my new price of $8K who saw my post last week. This is working!" L, US
✨ "Sarah your 'Top Down' approach to messaging has been a revolution for me! It's so simple, I can't believe no one else is teaching this. I've been confused about my message for years and now I have clarity.
Thank you, I know this is what I needed to scale past 10K months" S, France

You will have instant and lifetime access as you will want to watch this over & over to create messaging that is so simple and effective. 

The full price for this masterclass is €222.
The current special offer is €33 💸💸💸

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Order summary

The Simplified Messaging Method Masterclass (Instant Access)

Create effective messaging to attract 3 dream clients in the next 30 days

EUR 33
Total due EUR 33

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